
How To Optimize Handmade Jewelry Wholesale Jewelry

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The handcrafted jewelry business is very competitive with millions of websites clamoring for top ranking in the search engine result pages. Using the right techniques can be challenging for handmade jewelry marketers. Creating handcrafted jewelry is in itself a full time job so many people can not devote a great deal of time to their websites. It is important to use search engine optimization correctly to achieve the best results in the least amount of time. Search engine optimization begins with the website. In order to make the handmade jewelry website optimized effectively, it is important to keep in mind that each web page is separate and should have its own keywords.

The meta keywords tag is not used by most search engines anymore but it is worth including just in case. The keyword density is also important and your keywords should be efficiently used throughout the content of the page. Search engines index websites and pages depending on the keywords and phrases within the content. The secret is to entice your visitors to buy your handmade jewelry while giving the search engines enough clues what your web page is about. Try not to go overboard on the keywords as this is frowned upon by most search engines. Good use of the image attribute tags is vital as search engines can not see the picture. Use your keywords to describe what is shown in the picture.

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Again, do not over do it on the keywords as keyword stuffing can get you banned from the search engines. Of course, effectively using search engine optimization can greatly improve your handmade jewelry website search engine rankings. There are many other techniques that can be used along with search engine optimization for better rankings but good optimization will continue to benefit your handcrafted jewelry website for long term results. Write naturally. The worst thing you can do is try to cram a zillion keywords into your article or blog entry, making it messy and difficult to read. Search engines are able to determine whether or not your text is logical and they will ignore content with ridiculously high keyword density.

wholesale jewelry sales |By Jennifer Hisir on September 03, 2010

This means that not only the homepage needs to be optimized, but each page should also be optimized using the most appropriate keywords and long-tailed keyword phrases. When employing search engine optimization techniques to the web pages, you must identify the main concept a page talk about and base the main keywords and phrases from that. For handmade jewelry websites most have pages for handmade earrings, handmade bracelets and handcrafted necklaces so focus on those keywords and related keywords. It is best to have only two or three phrases per page. The title tag, meta description and meta keywords tags of each page should also be optimized with the chosen keywords and phrases. It is crucial to make the title tag and meta description attractive to your customers as well as the search engines. Most major search engines will use the title tag and description on the search engine results pages which means that this is what people will be reading once they search for a query relevant to your content.

I have been working on the search engine optimization of my jewelry and gifts website for a few years now. I implemented the points the I learnt from reading articles about SEO. My handmade jewelry wholesale website has been doing really well in Google SERPs. Below are the tips to pay attention to if you are working on your website so the search engines can find your website and have a chance to climb on search engine result pages. Getting your website online is the easier part of having a handmade jewelry or animal jewelry website. You have to put lots of effort to make your wholesale jewelry website to the top pages in Google search so prospect customers can find you. Search engine optimization is essential for handmade jewelry internet marketing.

